Find What Feeds You

Find What Feeds You

2017 has been a year of abundance at Memorial with new faces in the congregation, new and revived ministries, better relationships with our neighborhood, and new pledges. In the midst of growing concern about the state of our country and the world around us, it is easy to overlook the abundance in our lives, and at Memorial particularly.  As a Church, we are blessed with spiritual and material wealth including the talent, energy and resources to care for each other, our church and our world. We are fed by our shared faith, our commitment to our brothers and sisters and a belief that we can each help make the world better.  Every day we live out Jesus' commandment to 'feed people' in new and different ways.


How are we 'feeding people' at Memorial? We are:


Expanding our community. Attendance is growing, with many new and returning faces.


Creating space for the kids. Sunday School is bursting with energy; we have opened the "Pray-ground; and expanded staffed nursery hours for wee ones. 


Initiating new members into Christ's body. Celebrating ten baptisms this year! Membership is up as well.


Caring for this fragile earth our island home. We use 100% wind power, have begun a tree planting project, and joined One Water Baltimore to protect the Jones Falls.


Creating a Home. The Episcopal Service Corps interns are making our Rectory a home again and contributing to our life together. Community groups use our space every day of the week.


Sharing our talents. From the choir to the food pantry to acting on stage, we use the gifts God gave us.


Welcoming questions and learn together. We have re-started a regular inquirers class to bring in new members, leading challenging bible studies and asking difficult questions about our faith and common life.


Not afraid to speak. From racism + bail reform to education + immigration-Jesus gave us a voice to use it.


Welcoming all. From newcomers and returning members to those exploring religion for the first time. From Sunday best to did-my-best-and-got-here, Memorial is a place for YOU to be fed.


How Does Memorial Feed You? What gives you energy, strength and joy?


Among all our ministries and activities, we invite you to find those that feed you.  All that we do together, for each other and for our community, needs resources to continue. Please consider the ways in which you are fed at Memorial as you determine your pledge of support for the work of the church so that we can continue and expand our work in the next year.


in peace, Father Grey
